Tetrapanax papyrifer

  • Description

Rice paper plant

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 fresh seeds  (only available until end of March 24 due to short-term viability)   

*** Sold out for now ***

A truly spectacular plant from Taiwan - no jungle style garden can be without at least one! This form is not 'Rex' but is still distinctly impressive.   Mature plants are hardy in most parts of the country.  UK seed rarely available as it matures late in the season.

The rice paper plant is a spectacular foliage plant from China, closely related to Fatsia japonica, with deeply lobed leaves spreading up to 50cm across. It dies to the ground in our frosty winters emerging again next spring. Best in a warm semi shady position and hardy to about -10°C but for larger plants over winter under glass. The huge heavy palmate leaves have an unusual reverse white felt covering and mature plants produce sprays of small white flowers typical of the Aralia family. A type of fine “rice” paper is made from the pith of the stems of this lovely plant hence its common name.
