Moringa oleifera

  • Description

Horseradish tree   5 bean size seeds

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Moringa oleifera is a native originally to the Himalayan foothills of northern India, the horseradish tree can be found widely planted throughout the tropical areas of the world. Nutritionally, ounce for ounce, powdered Moringa leaves have seven times the vitamin C of oranges, four times the calcium of milk, three times the potassium of bananas, four times the vitamin A of carrots and two times the protein of milk. The one to four foot long pods lend the plant the common name of drumstick tree. They are also high in nutritional value and can be cooked like green beans when young. The flowers are high in calcium and potassium but must be cooked before consuming. The peeled root tastes like horseradish, hence the common name, but care must be taken as the root bark is toxic. It is also used in many Indian traditional medicine recipes where they have over 300 uses for Moringa.

The Horseradish tree is fast growing, up to ten feet the first year, and matures at a height of thirty-five feet, but it will bloom the first year from seed. Tip pruning will encourage more leaf and fruit production and control its size and hence able to be pot grown. It has drooping branches with alternate, fern-like leaves, 9"-24" long, the 1" wide, white fragrant flowers are borne in loose clusters in the leaf axils. The pods are narrow, round, pointed growing to 18" long.
