Toothache Plant or "Electric Daisies" Aprx 25 seeds ■●
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30 seeds
Foxtail Agave 10 seeds ■●
Harvards Century Plant 10 seeds ■●җ
Mountain Agave 10 seeds ■●җ җ
Whale's Tongue Century Plant 10 seeds ■●җ җ
10 Seeds.
Love-Lies-Bleeding Aprx 100 seeds ■●
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Griffith's Cobra Lily
10 seeds
Cobra Lily 10 Seeds ■☻җ җ
Pelican flower
Star Fruit 10 seeds ■●
5 large seeds
20 seeds
Siebold's False nettle
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Yellow Angels Trumpet 10 seeds ■☻♥
Angels Trumpets - 10 seeds.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow flower 10 seeds ■●
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Canary Bell Flower 10 seeds ■●
Light Pink Indian Shot 5 seeds ■●җ
Orange Indian Shot 5 seeds ■●җ
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Species Indian Shot 5 seeds ■●җ
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Fresh 2024 seed
Paw Paw Fruit 10 seeds ■●
Himalayan Ginger 10 seeds ■●җ җ җ