


Second only to Bananas for tropical effects, with the benefit of being evergreen and some completely hardy. We would recommend soaking most palm seed 24 hours before sowing in a sterile seed compost. You could also try the sealed bag method with a soil mix on the dry side, placed in a warm position, say in an airing cupboard - fresh seed is also an advantage for better germination.

Archontophoenix alexandrae

Alexandria Royal Palm 10 seeds

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Beccariophoenix alfredii

High Plateau Coconut Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Bismarckia nobilis

"Bismarck Palm" 5 large seeds

*** Out of Stock ***


Bismarckia nobilis Silver

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 large seeds

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Brahea armata

Mexican Blue Palm 10 seeds җ
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Brahea Super Silver

Mexican Blue Palm 10 seeds җ
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Butia capitata

Jelly Palm 10 seeds җ җ
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Butia yatay

'Yatay Palm'   10 seeds  җ җ
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Caryota maxima

Himalayan Fish Tail Palm   10 seeds  җ

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Caryota mitis

Clustered Fishtail Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 seeds

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Chamaerops humilis

Mediterranean Fan Palm  10 seeds  җ җ
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Chamaerops humilis var cerifera

Blue Mediterranean Fan Palm 10 seeds  җ җ

2024 fresh seed

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Cyrtostachys renda

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Sealing wax palm

*** Fresh seeds! ***

Available in packets of 10 or 25 seeds.


Dracaena draco

Dragon Tree 20 seeds җ 
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Dypsis baronii black petiole

Vakona Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 seeds

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Jubaea chilensis

Chilean Wine Palm  5 seeds җ җ

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Licuala grandis

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Ruffled Fan Palm

*** fresh seed ***

Available in packets of 10 or 25 seeds.


Livistona australis

'Cabbage Tree Palm'   10 seeds җ җ
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Livistonia muelleri

Australian Dwarf Fan Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 seeds

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Nannorrhops ritchiana

Mazari Palm  5 seeds Pr Pkt җ җ җ
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Phoenix canariensis

Canary Island Palm   20 seeds  җ җ

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Phoenix loureiroi var humilis

Mountain Date Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Phoenix reclinata

Senegal Date Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Phoenix roebelenii

Pygmy Date Palm   20 seeds 
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Phoenix rupicola

Cliff Date Palm  20 seeds  җ
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Phoenix sylvestris

Silver Date Palm   10 seeds

*** Sold out for now ***


Phoenix theophrastii

Cretan Date Palm (20 seeds Pr Pkt) n]

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Sabal minor

Dwarf Palmetto Palm  20 seeds җ җ

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Sabal minor Lousiana

Louisiana Palmetto

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Sabal palmetto

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Palmetto palm

UK grown - available in packets of 10 or 25 seeds. 


Sabal uresana

Sonoran Palmetto Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Sabal x brazoriensis

Brazoria Palmetto

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Serenoa repens Silver

Silver Saw Palmetto

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 seeds

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Syagrus romanzoffiana

Queen Palm   10 seeds  җ 
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Trachycarpus fortunei

Chusan Palm  20 seeds җ җ җ

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Trachycarpus fortunei Naini Tal

Naini Hill Chusan Palm 10 seeds җ җ

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Trachycarpus fortunei x princeps

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Available in packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.

Note - image shown is a pure Trachycarpus fortunei.


Trachycarpus fortunei x wagnerianus

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Very fresh and rarely available - packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.

Note - image shown is a pure Trachycarpus fortunei.


Trachycarpus latisectus

Windamere Palm - Available in packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.

җ җ


Trachycarpus martianus var Nepal

Martius Himalayan Fan Palm

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

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Trachycarpus naini tal x nova

Trachycarpus hybrid

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

10 seeds

Note - image shown is a non-hybrid Trachycarpus nova.

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Trachycarpus nanus

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

*** Pure seed very rarely available! ***

4 seeds

*** Sold out for now ***


Trachycarpus nova

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Available in packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.

*** Sold out for now ***


Trachycarpus princeps Blue-Silver

Stone Gate Palm (4 seeds Pr Pkt) җ җ

Fresh 2024 seed

Rarely available

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Trachycarpus princeps x fortunei

Trachycarpus hybrid

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

5 seeds

Note - image shown is a non-hybrid Trachycarpus princeps.

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Trachycarpus takil

Kumaon Palm 5 seeds җ җ җ

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Trachycarpus ukhrulensis

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Available in packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.


Trachycarpus wagnerianus

Dwarf Chusan Palm  10 seeds  җ җ

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Trachycarpus wagnerianus x nanus

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Available in packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.

Note - image shown is a pure Trachycarpus wagnerianus.


Trachycarpus wagnerianus x princeps

*** New to JungleSeeds ***

Available in packets of 10, 25 or 100 seeds.

Note - image shown is a pure Trachycarpus wagnerianus.
